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Google Space Jobs

Google USA Jobs

Google Space Jobs

Company Name: Google

Job Name: Security Sales Specialist

Salary: $40 – $60/Hour

Qualification: Bachelor Degree

Location: U.S

Full Job Description:

Least capabilities:
  • 3 years of involvement offering to Training, state and Neighborhood Government, selling network protection arrangements out in the open or confidential area.
  • 2 years of involvement with Online protection, cloud security, security engineering, occurrence reaction, security tasks, or security administration.
  • Venture out up to 80% of the time as required.

Google Space Jobs

Favored capabilities:
  • Experience applying innovation to tackle business issues.
  • Profound information on the Public Area network safety scene.
  • Capacity to team up successfully across hierarchical limits, fabricate connections, and oversee ability and thoughts to accomplish a more extensive hierarchical objective.
  • Capacity to rapidly learn, comprehend, and work with new arising advancements, systems, and arrangements in the Cloud/IT/Security innovation space.
  • Capacity to convey an expert business and specialized pitch to the C-Suite and board levels, with superb show abilities.
  • Counseling abilities, including the skill to work under close cutoff times and give group support.

Google Space Jobs

About the gig

As an individual from the Google Cloud group, you rouse driving organizations, schools, and government offices to work more brilliantly with Google instruments like Google Work area, Search, and Chrome. You advocate the imaginative force of our items to make associations more useful, cooperative, and portable. Your directing light is making the wisest decision for the client, you will meet clients precisely where they are at and give them the best answers for advancement. Involving your enthusiasm for Google items, you assist with spreading the enchantment of Google to associations all over the planet.

Google Cloud assists clients and associations with engaging their representatives, serving their clients, and assembling what’s next for their business all with innovation worked in the cloud. Our items are designed for security, unwavering quality, and versatility, running the full stack from frameworks to applications to gadgets and equipment. Our groups are devoted to assisting our clients with seeing the advantages of our innovation become fully awake. To develop and speed up the cloud capacity of our public area clients, we have framed a specialty business association that unites information investigation, work area cooperation, network protection, and application modernization.

Google Public Area carries the enchantment of Google to the mission of government and schooling with arrangements reason worked for endeavors. We center around assisting US public area foundations with speeding up their computerized changes, and we keep on making critical ventures and developing our group to meet the intricate requirements of nearby, state, and national government and instructive establishments.

Kindly note that the pay subtleties recorded in US job postings mirror the base compensation just, and do exclude reward, value, or advantages. Find out about benefits at Google.

Google Space Jobs


Cooperate with public area clients and accomplices as their most confided in Google security and consistency counselor, distinguishing cloud ­related security and consistency plan, improvement, and organization contact focuses according to the client’s point of view and rally crews to manage arrangements.

Work with clients and accomplices to characterize joint drives and co-make their cloud security and consistency change venture, teaming up across utilitarian and item regions to carry the best of Google to the client.

Advocate for the advancement of Google security and consistency, and assist with interpreting it into noteworthy advances worldwide organizations can take towards reception. Go about as a coach and pioneer to the more extensive Google Cloud security and consistency experts.

Make worth and volume security, missions, projects, and arrangements.

Google Space Jobs

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